75 Minutes: $200

A bright smile can go a long way to improve self-confidence, impress clients, or make a special event extra memorable. Laser teeth whitening is a procedure designed to brighten your teeth. It’s also known as laser teeth bleaching.

During the procedure, a bleaching gel is applied to your teeth. A laser is then directed onto your teeth, which heats up the gel. This activates its whitening properties and alters stain molecules on the teeth.

The goal of laser teeth whitening is to reduce discoloration and make your teeth look whiter, with results lasting 6 months to 1 year or longer (depending on personal hygeine, diet and other lifestyle factors and choices).

Tooth discoloration can happen for many reasons, including:

  • consuming certain foods and drinks, like coffee and tea
  • using tobacco
  • aging
  • injury to the mouth
  • certain medications, like antihistamines and chemotherapy

Results may vary, most clients see 10-20 shades improvement after one session. Whitening treatment does work on crowns and other tooth colored dental work, however the degree of whitening will only reach the original shade at which the dental work was placed.

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